I had started a series of pours with Iconic Images, to do something no one else was doing. I usually paint to bring back memories, so I started to do iconic images to remind me of places I would love to travel to, or had travelled to. I then added to the series buildings, due to changing times are causing them to vanish. Then 2020 arrived, with Covid, and I thought how fitting. The pours being uncontrollable and I am trying to make changes to control the outcome, and my images are things we are missing, representing change, so I continued on this theme, adding in sports which was then taken away from us. I then did a piece 2020-2021 as to what was taking place, and then in 2022 did a piece on the Truckers Convoy.
This has been a very personal and emotional project for me.
I believe we have learnt a lot through all this. How things during this time became political, how the public was manipulated, family and friend turned on one another, and the truth hidden. We realized how easily we can lose our freedom and we must not let that happen.
There is an explanation of each painting below, and below that a list of links and comments to my investigations during this time.
If you are interested in showing this exhibition, please give me a call at 306-570-2096.
Here is the link to purchase Prints.
1. Covid, a picture of my daughter who is a hairdresser. Hair Studio’s were closed during this time. Masks became mandatory.
2. The Eiffel Tower, was constructed from 1887–1889 as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair. It was initially criticized by some of France’s leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but it has become a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The Eiffel Tower is the most-visited paid monument in the world.
3. The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France to celebrate the centennial of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence, stands upon Liberty Island and is one of the most famous symbols in the world. The construction of the statue was completed in France in July 1884 and arrived in New York the following year.
4. Statue of David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture sculpted by Michelangelo from 1501 to 1504. The 5.17 meter (17 ft) marble statue portrays the Biblical King David in the nude. Unlike previous depictions of David which portray the hero after his victory over Goliath, Michelangelo chose to represent David before the fight contemplating the battle yet to come. To protect it from damage, the famous statue was moved in 1873 to the Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy, where it attracts many visitors. A replica was placed in the Piazza della Signoria, at the original location
5. The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin, usually placed on a stone pedestal. The work shows a nude male figure of over life-size sitting on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as though deep in thought and is often used as an image to represent philosophy.
Many marble and bronze editions in several sizes were executed in Rodin’s lifetime and after, but the most famous version is the 6-foot (1.8-metre) bronze statue (commonly called a monumental) cast in 1904 that sits in the gardens of the Rodin Museum in Paris.
6. The statue of The Little Mermaid sits on a rock in the Copenhagen harbor at Langelinie in Denmark. Tourists visiting for the first time are often surprised by the relatively small size of the statue. The Little Mermaid statue is only 1.25 meters high and weighs around 175 kg. Designed by Edvard Eriksen, the statue was erected in 1913 to commemorate a play of the Little Mermaid. The poor lady has lost her head several times but has each time been restored. Copenhagen officials announced that the statue may be moved further out in the harbour, as to avoid further vandalism and to prevent tourists from climbing onto it.
7. Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A symbol of Christianity, the famous statue has become an icon of Rio and Brazil.
8. Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, Greece (where I was when I took the picture I used for the ruin.) Ruins are the remains of human-made architecture: structures that were once intact have fallen as time went by, into a state of partial or total disrepair, due to lack of maintenance or deliberate acts of destruction.
9. Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse, is an active lighthouse and an iconic Canadian image. Located within Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, it is one of the busiest tourist attractions in the province. Canada is home to more than 750 lighthouses, and the need for them has slowly disappeared, just like our grain elevators, they are slowly disappearing as well.
10. Barber Pole
11. Grain elevators, which have been variously referred to as prairie icons, prairie cathedrals or prairie sentinels, are a visual symbol of Western Canada. Numbering as many as 5,758 in 1933, elevators have dominated the prairie landscape for more than a century, with every hamlet, village and town boasting its row of them. They were a declaration of a community’s economic viability and a region’s agricultural strength. That has all changed in recent years.
12. Hockey Player
13. Football Player
14. Figure Skater
15. Baseball Player
16. Bull Rider
17. Freedom Convoy

Shellbrook, Library showing 8 paintings of this Covid Series
Here is a sample of how I go about creating these paintings.

What I was feeling and experiencing during this time is documented below.
Important links, in chronological order, as things were happening.
Video of show at Main Street Gallery
Sky News Documentary on the Corona Virus
Sept 20, 2021 Justin Trudeau called an election which costed us tax payers $610 million and we had no change in government. Immediately after the election he implemented mandatory vaccinations. Watch this video to see what happened.
Then the green pass, vaccination pass came in, below is a very important video to watch.
SARS-Covid 19 has had many mutations in the last two years, but most of 2021 was the Delta virus and as of Dec 2021 we have a new virus they have called Omicron, which was first found in the vaccinated.
People have lost their jobs, been muzzled, and facebook and u-tube has the right to remove anything they deem inaccurate. We now have a very divided society, the vaccinated can start traveling, going to restaurants, and large events with their vaccination pass, the unvaccinated are unable to work at certain jobs, travel, go to a restaurant, or attend any large events. We now know the vaccines have risks, and it does not stop you from getting covid, nor does it stop you from spreading it, it only causes you to have less symptoms and become a super spreader. So instead of stopping this nonsense, they decide children must be vaccinated, and suggest people should get a 3rd booster shot.
Top Doctors at Summit Today: “Healthy Children Shall Not Be Subject to Forced Vaccination”
Say NO to Vaccine Passports. Free 2 Fly
Freedom Convoy 2022, started as a protest in opposition to the government’s introduction of a mandate requiring all cross border drivers to be vaccinated against Covid 19.
Trucks stared moving all across Canada, January 23, 2022, and all arriving in Ottawa by January 29, 2022. Along the way people came out to support them and encourage them to fight for all our freedoms. There was a Go Fund Me Account started which the the goverment had shut down, and then a Go Send Me Account was started, which the goverment also froze. I watched many live videos of the truckers, which showed love, support, peace and Unity across Canada.
The truckers wanted their concerns heard, but no one from the goverment would talk with them. Prime Minster, Justin Trudeau, came down with Covid and went into isolation and upon coming out he still would not listen to the truckers, but instead called them names and made derogatory remarks about them. Then on February 14, 2022 Prime Minster, Justin Trudeau, invokes the Emergency Act, using force to remove the peaceful protestors, seize bank accounts, and put protestors in jail. The Liberals were able to get this passed with the help of the NDP. It was a sad day for Canada, but this fight must continue. This is a good video to watch to explain what is happening.
February 23, 2022, The Federal Goverment revoked the Emergencies Act.
Finally as of March 7, the organizer of the Freedom Convoy is granted bail, after previously being denied bail. They have still not removed the Federal mandates, and you still need to be vaccinated to travel. Meanwhile other countries and provinces have removed mandates.
During all this war has broke out between Ukraine and Russia, and the media and our goverment are strongly supporting the Ukraine.

There is a truckers Convoy in the US which has just arrived in Washington DC, and other countries have started trucker convoy’s.

What we have all learnt through this is how corrupt our government and media are.
Now that I have done my final painting for this series, I feel a relief off of my shoulders and God saying, I will take it from here.
I feel we are living under a dictorship, and other countries agree with that.

Vanden Bossche, Malone and Desmet in the Headwind roundtable.
Oct 1, 2022, I’m excited to be flying again and not having to use the ArriveCan.
I flew to Mexico and then Panama this year, because the US still has the mandatory two vaccines to travel into the US, supposedly this should end April 2023. I can’t believe how they can still be pushing this with all the information out there, and if you just open your eyes and talk to people you would be able to come to your own conclusion on what is happening.
NationalCitizensInquiryCA (rumble.com)
International Covid Summit – Home
Because of the mandates I became obsessed with following these doctors. Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Robert Malon, and many others. Doctors speaking the truth and being censored.
Some great news, the Biden administration finally announced it will end the jab requirement for international air travelers on May 11, 2023.
Things have just continued to get more bizarre with:
Wokeism -SOGI – having to fight for parents rights
Bill C11 (no longer can share Canadian News)
Canadian Parliament giving standing ovation to Ex-Waffen SS (Nazi) fighter
Carbon Tax
The WHO wanting control over the next pandemic
Oct 7, 2023 Hamas, a Palestinian militant group attacked Israel and the war between, Israel -Hamas begins, while the Russia – Ukraine war continues.
Covid is still here and they are still pushing the vaccine which is causing so much harm